Twofish For Python





News of the Day


Upgraded aescrypt to use the standard reference TwoFish implementation, 'cause I got tired of trying to figure out the Endianness in Dr. Gladman's code.


Mostly moribund for the past month, as I've been busy working on mtx and the Linux tape drivers. I did whip up a quick 'AESCrypt' program, which uses Dr. Gladman's Twofish module (the old version, I haven't had time to upgrade to the latest version, sorry). No key generator yet, 'dd if=/dev/random bs=512 count=1 | md5sum' will give you a random key that you can massage into a key of the correct format (see file 'key' for the format).


A new version of Ocotillo online. "make -f Makefile.ocotillo" will create a program named "ocrandom" which creates a named pipe "/dev/urandom" (or use "-f {pipename}" to use a different pipe). Reading this pipe gives you pseudo-random numbers. This lets my Python module work without a programming change!


Site construction continues apace. I have moved Ocotillo over here from its former home behind a barrier on my home page at, since Ocotillo will be integrated with the actual encryption routines for use on those Unix machines without a good cryptographic-strength random number source.

Missing so far:

  1. Documentation. I have written a brief tutorial on encryption for the casual reader, but I need to document the proper use of the module itself. The file README in the actual source archive tells some info, but ...
  2. Old versions. I need to keep old versions accessible. Some day that may be necessary for legal reasons.


I have obtained permission from my employers to release this as Open Source software. I have notified the Bureau of Export Administration (BXA) that I intend to export cryptographic source code from this web page. I have not received a reply from the BXA, but the regulations do not require that I receive a reply -- merely that I notify them.

Eric Lee Green

Note that everything on this page represents my own opinions and not the opinions of my employer, SourceForge, my mother, my best friend, or my cat (well, MAYBE the cat, since we all know who the boss is around the house!).

Created by 'm4web'. Last modified: Fri Feb 18 14:38:31